Monday, April 20, 2015

Setelah 40 Minggu

Apa akan jadi sekiranya bayi yang anda kandungkan sudah melepasi tarikh anggaran beliau keluar (due date) tapi tak keluar-keluar?

Kandungan normal cukup bulan ialah di antara 38-40 minggu. Sebelum 38 tidak cukup bulan (premature) dan selepas 40 (post mature). Sekiranya bayi lahir sebelum 37 minggu, organ-organ dalam badan belum benar-benar matang dan berfungsi baik, jadi biasanya akan diletakkan di tahan di wad bagi pemeriksaan dan penjagaan sehingga disahkan ok oleh doktor.

Tapi apa masalahnya kalau selepas 40 minggu? Patut biar sajakah sehingga rasa sakit ?

Antara risiko bayi terlebih matang ialah :
1) Bayi akan membesar dengan laju menyebabkan susah untuk dilahirkan, mungkin perlu pembedahan.
2) Bayi mungkin termakan dan tercekik tahi sendiri (meconium) di dalam perut - ini paling bahaya.
3) Sekiranya dilahirkan secara normal, mungkin berlaku komplikasi seperti bahu tersangkut (shoulder dystocia) dan merosakkan saraf tangan menyebabkan kecacatan kekal seumur hidup.
4) Proses kelahiran yang susah dan panjang menghasilkan komplikasi yang mungkin memberi kecacatan (cerebral palsy) seumur hidup - paling menyedihkan.
5) Sang ibu juga berdepan dengan luka yang lebih besar dan jahitan yang banyak.
6) Bayi tidak dapat oksigen yang cukup dan keperluan lain kerana berlaku proses 'placenta insufficiency'.

Sekarang sedang berada di posting Obstretic & Gynaecology (OnG). Doakan moga dipermudah segalanya :)

Friday, April 17, 2015


Leaving the exam hall with a lot of things going through my head. A part of it was of course relieve, finally I'm out of the exam pressure. Nevertheless the feeling of unsure whether have i done my best? Couldnt it be any better?

All of the exam questions came out exactly as I thought it would be - easy! Feeling dissapointed, I'm the one who did not study that much, thus how much do I expect? (And yet I'm hoping I could be in the top 5 list =.=')

Walking home with a perplexed face thinking over and over again, why I didnt allocate my time wisely and blaming others saying that how they have taken my precious time bla3. At the end, realising that the problem was always come from me, myself.

Clearly, the time was always there. Its just me that losing the 'barokah' in the amount of time that I spent. In every situation of insufficiency, either money, time or even family, with the blessing from Allah swt, we will never felt the lacking. Everything will be enough and sometimes even multiplied.

'Barokah' (blessing) is a special thing; that you cannot see by the eyes, but can only be felt by the heart and imaan.

At the age of 25, I'm a student, daughter, wife and mother. How fast that could be? How much time I left in this dunya, and soon enough I'm leaving for the hereafter. May the 'barokah' will always be with me all the time, in shaa Allah.